Earth and Life Science - LAS 1

The first semester of Senior High School students is coming to an end. In this blog, I will recall everything that I have done in the subject Earth and Life Science. I will be discussing what I have learned, How I felt in this class, and what I did. 

LAS 1 - Topic: Earth's Origin and Structure

In the first LAS, we were tasked with different activities, according to the first initial of our family names. For me, I was tasked to do a poster about Life on Earth. This goes for those that contain family names starting from A-H. 

- What Did I Do? 

I did a poster showing the 4 things that are currently happening in our planet.

I drew different things on 4 equal sides. On the first side, I drew Earth in harmony, with its majestic view of the mountains and seas - along with birds. On the second tile, I drew Earth struggling with the changes of weather patterns contributed by pollution. On the third tile, I drew how technology is becoming more advanced lately, with the invention of self-driving cars by Elon Musk. On the last tile, I drew the planet's current dilemma - COVID 19. It shows the map of the Philippines as one of the most heavily infected areas of the outbreak. With a front liner, and graves of people that lost their lives amidst the epidemic outbreak.

- What Did I Learn? 

I gained extra knowledge upon being alive in a planet like ours. I learned about several theories and hypotheses that were truly interesting and brought me to think critically.

- How Did I Feel?

I felt great, I was proud of the outcome of my drawing. All in all, it was a great activity filled with extra knowledge. 


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