Earth and Life Science - LAS 2

 The first semester of Senior High School students is coming to an end. In this blog, I will recall everything that I have done in the subject Earth and Life Science. I will be discussing what I have learned, How I felt in this class, and what I did. 

LAS 2 - Rocks and Minerals

In the second LAS, we discussed about rocks, its different types, and minerals - how it's formed, how it is important. We were given different tasks according to the initials of our surnames. 

- What Did I Do?

I explained the importance of minerals, and how they differ from each other. I also determined what mineral is the most important in our daily lives. I added figures to make my answer more concrete and reliable. Lastly, I explained why our phones are important especially as a 21st century learner; in terms of communicating, learning, and recreational activities.

- What Did I Learn?

I learned how to classify rocks according to their types: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. I also added my knowledge about the importance of minerals, and realizing that almost everything I see around me contains minerals - is mind boggling. 

- How Did I Feel?

As a student that loves Science, it truly added my knowledge and I was really fascinated about this topic. I felt confident about my answers in the activity. 


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