Earth and Life Science - LAS 5 (Second Quarter)-

 The first semester of Senior High School students is coming to an end. In this blog, I will recall everything that I have done in the subject Earth and Life Science. I will be discussing what I have learned, How I felt in this class, and what I did. 

LAS 5 - Soil and Man

In this topic, we discussed about soil, its horizon layers, how it is formed, and what are factors that affect its characteristics.  

- What Did I Do?
Once again, we were tasked to conduct an experiment. But this time, I did it with my neighbors - Vin and Matthew. We gathered soil, put it inside a liter bottle of coke, we added water and a little amount of dishwashing liquid. 

- What Did I Learn? 
I learned that the soil and dishwashing liquid don't mix with each other. 

- How Did I Feel? 
It was really fascinating, seeing the experiment being completed, shaking the bottle and seeing that the soil doesn't scatter around as if it is reactant to the dishwashing liquid.


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